Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the CM Sports Holiday programme, we just wanted to contact you prior to your child attending our holiday camps to cover some key information. In order to deliver this programme, we are proud to be working in partnership with Hampshire Council as part of the Holiday Activities and Food programme funded by the Department for Education.

We can’t wait to meet the children over the next few weeks, below we have included a few reminders which will hopefully enhance their experience with:

  • Please ensure children bring warm clothing as much of the day will take place outside
  • Children are welcome to bring a snack and drink for break times
  • We appreciate this could be your child’s first time with us, if you have any information that you think will help, please feel free to get in contact with us

We hope that your children have a fantastic time with us, we will be sending out a further email towards the end of the Easter holidays asking for some brief feedback. We would love to hear what you and your children thought of our courses so that we can make them even better in the future.

Finally, you will notice that we have attached some potentially useful guidance to support children and their families. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to any of our team at the venue or contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.

Yours sincerely

CM Sports Team

Call: 02392 987881

Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Signposting Resource – Zone 3

Below is a list of organisations which might be able to provide ongoing support for children and families.

During the Christmas period, the opening times of local services and food banks may change. Please check with their websites for further information.

Topic Organisation Information Link Phone no.
Citizen’s Advice CA General support
Food Local foodbanks
Financial Support TTU National Charity for financial support
Health – general NHS A-Z of health conditions
NHS Range of wellbeing information & resources
Healthy eating & nutrition PCC Healthy recipes & resources
Jobcentre Plus Gov Find your local Jobcentre Plus office
Online safety NSPCC Online safety advice for children and parents
  Solent Mind Mental health charity 02380 179049
Simon Says Bereavement support 02380 647550
NHS Change 4 Life resources
SDA Domestic abuse support 0330 016 5112
Sexual health NHS Sexual health services 0300 300 2016
Substance Abuse NHS NHS apps library
Safe4me Safe support services
Talk to Frank Honest info about drugs 0300 123 6600

Our food information pack which contains the below information and ideas can be found using this link –

  • How can I encourage my child to eat well?
  • What about fussy eaters?
  • Breakfast ideas Packed lunches Mealtime!
  • Me size meals Snack check The food groups
  • Vegetarian and vegan diets
  • Sugar swaps Drinks
  • Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar Salt
  • Vitamin D Food Hero – pears!
  • Some delicious recipes for the family!
  • Planet friendly eating Sustainable eating Complete the challenge!
  • How much physical activity should children do to keep healthy?

To book onto a club, you will need a CM sports account and to follow the ‘FSM Scheme’ tile in our online booking system.

Course content information can be found here:

You will be emailed our free lunch selection menu a few days before the start of the course.

Book Now